# Upgrading CSMM

CSMM follows semantic versioning (opens new window) as much as possible. However, any change could have unforeseen issues. It is always advisable to create a backup of your data before upgrading.

Before upgading, please take a look at the release notes (opens new window) for any important messages!

# Docker

To upgrade the containers, you must pull the new version.

  1. Check in your docker-compose.yml what image is specified (eg image: catalysm/csmm:v1.20) and adjust as needed
  2. docker-compose pull
  3. docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

# Host installation

You can get the new files the same way you did when installing. Usually this means a git pull or git checkout <tag>.

# Install dependencies
npm ci --only=prod
# Run database migrations
npm run db:migrate

# One-click

The systemd service will automatically pull a new version on restart

sudo service csmm restart

If you'd like to force a pull you can use

sudo docker pull catalysm/csmm:${version}