# Contributing
We are always looking for help maintaining these docs! If you would like to help CSMM by writing documentation or translations, please reach out to us on Discord! 😀
# Web editor
For small changes (like fixing a typo), you can use the links at the bottom of a page to use the Github web editor.
# Local development
Install Nodejs (opens new window). VuePress requires Node.js >= 8
git clone https://github.com/CatalysmsServerManager/docs
npm install
npm run dev
# Submitting changes
To submit changes, please create a pull request (opens new window).
# Step by step guide
First we start off by finding the page you want to make a change to. At the bottom of the page, you will find a edit link.
This will open up a link to Github where you can create a fork of the repository. This is essentially a copy of the repository on your own Github profile.
After creating the fork, you will see a web editor where you can make the change(s) you want. After making the change(s), scroll down and save your work.
Upon saving your changes, you will see an overview. Your work is now saved in your personal fork. To send your changes to the actual repository, you must now create a pull request (PR).
Give your PR a useful title and optionally a description.
Finally, you will see the PR. Some automated checks will happen, checking if the config still works and checking if the build process succeeds. You will also get a deploy preview so you can see what your change(s) will look like on the real website.
At this point, a maintainer can accept your change(s). This will merge your forked repo with the main one and your changes will go live!
# Adding a new page
Create a new file in the appropriate location
For example,
Add the new page to the sidebar
Modify the appropriate file in
# Tips, warnings, and danger messages
If you have a tip to share with to user, you can format them in a specific way so that it looks appealing and noticable. The same goes for warning and "danger" messages.
::: tip
You can do this stuff even faster if you do this cool thing listed in this tip!
::: warning
Make sure you're on version 2.0.0 or above before trying this.
::: danger
Be careful; this action is irreversible!
You can do this stuff even faster if you do this cool thing listed in this tip!
Make sure you're on version 2.0.0 or above before trying this.
Be careful; this action is irreversible!