# Host installation

In this guide, I will assume you are installing on Ubuntu 20. Installation steps for other distros or Windows will be similar but keep that in mind. If you do not have a server yet, you can use one of these referral links to get some free credit and support the project 😃.

It is recommended to choose a server with atleast 2GB of RAM (if you are using less than that and experience errors on startup)


Installing CSMM straight on the host is possible but can cause all sorts of weird configuration issues, outdated packages and in general is much harder. We recommend using a different method if you are not comfortable with reading error messages and figuring things out via Google.

# Installing Node.js

For official install instructions, you should consult the Node.js website (opens new window), the following commands will install v16.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl python3-software-properties
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs

Now you should check the installed versions of node and npm (the node package manager)

node -v
npm -v

# Installing MySQL

sudo apt install mysql-server
# Check if it's running
systemctl status mysql
# Run security config script

Once MySQL is installed, you should prepare a user and database for CSMM.

CREATE USER 'csmm'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your-db-password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON csmm.* TO 'csmm'@'localhost';

# Installing Redis

As this is outside the scope of this guide, I will refer you to a Digital Ocean guide (opens new window).

# Installing CSMM

You should not run CSMM as root! Instead, create a separate user & switch to the home directory of that user.

sudo adduser csmm
su - csmm

Get the latest files from Github and install the dependencies.

# unzip is required for one of the setup scripts
# Replace apt with your distributions package manager if needed
apt install unzip

git clone https://github.com/CatalysmsServerManager/7-days-to-die-server-manager
cd 7-days-to-die-server-manager
npm install --only=prod


At this point, you should set up your env file! Follow the instructions and then come back and continue following these steps

# Running the application

Time to get to the fun part, running CSMM! If you are running CSMM for the first time, with a fresh database, you should run the npm run db:migrate script once. CSMM will create all tables & columns it needs automatically. Check the logs it creates to make sure there are no errors during start up

# Create database tables
NODE_ENV=production npm run db:migrate
# Run the application
NODE_ENV=production npm run start


It is very important to run CSMM in production mode for security reasons, application stability and data persistence.


You should set up a reverse proxy and enable HTTPS!

# Daemonizing

You'll most likely want to set CSMM to be managed as a service. There are many ways to do this but here we will explain how to do it with PM2 (opens new window).

PM2 can monitor a service for failures and automatically restart it, watch for memory usage, logging, ...

# Installing PM2

npm install pm2 -g

Now you have access to the PM2 command.

To start CSMM with PM2:

pm2 start npm --name "CSMM" -- start

There are many more options available in pm2, we suggest you head over to the PM2 documentation (opens new window) for more info.

Afterwards, you'll want to make sure this process gets started on systemboot.

pm2 save
pm2 startup

Depending on your distro, you will get some commands to execute (as root)


For more advanced configuration and customization, check out the PM2 documentation (opens new window)