# Configuring CSMM

CSMM uses a special .env file, this file gets read on start up and the values become environment variables. Let's start by gathering these variables

# Steam API key

Go to the Valve API key page (opens new window) and register a key.

# Discord bot account

Go to the Discord developer page (opens new window) and create a new application. You must also make this application a bot account. For more info, see this guide by Reactiflux (opens new window) or Google.

Collect the following values from the page:

  • Client ID
  • Client secret
  • Bot token

If you want to sync roles between CSMM and Discord, make sure you enable the server members intent

server members intent

Finally, you must also set a redirect URL for Oauth2 authentication. This is done in the "Oauth2" section of Discord.

Discord auth redirect

Make sure you use your CSMM domain here. If your domain were example.com, the Oauth2 redirect URL would be https://example.com/auth/discord/return. This is required to be able to link your Discord profile to CSMM.

# .env file

Copy the example file to a new file

# Hosted setups:
cp .env.example.host .env

# Docker setups:
cp .env.example.docker .env

# One-Click setups:
File is created for you in /etc/csmm_version

DBSTRING, a special syntax (opens new window) is used. protocol://user:password@host:port/database

CSMM_HOSTNAME is used to generate links, CORS and other things. You should set this to the ip/domain you will access CSMM from. Do NOT add a trailing slash to this.

Redis configuration uses a similar system to the MySQL connection string. redis://:[email protected]:6379 or redis:// (if you did not set a password)

Your .env file should look similar to this

# For a local server, use https://localhost. For an externally accessible server, use your domain i.e. https://example.com.

# This overrides the default donator check
# How often CSMM will check for new logs
# How many logs CSMM will gather per request

# Comma separated list of steam IDs for users that get extended control, uncomment and add your own IDs
# CSMM_ADMINS=76561198070944214

# External APIs


# Datastores
DBSTRING=mysql2://csmm:[email protected]:3306/csmm
REDISSTRING=redis://:[email protected]:6379

# Invite link for the dev server