# Console Commands

CPM has a lot of functionality, more so than most people realize, and it's very easy to miss some very helpful configuration settings that allow you to use the more useful features.


New command prefix

Starting with CPM 5.35, all CPM-specific commands have been given the prefix 'cpm-' to identify which mod they are part of. As a result, commands like 'brender' are now named 'cpm-brender'; however, an alias has been added to the older name, so that Admins with experience in the older names can still use them. As an example, all three of the following commands would be valid and produce the same result:

  • cpm-chatgroupcolor
  • chatgroupcolor
  • cgc

You can type 'help' to see all possible commands, and any command provided by CPM will have the prefix listed. Alternately, to only see CPM-related commands, you can type 'cpm-help' instead.

# High-level

This section will go over the quick-set commands you can use to configure the high-level functionality.

# an

The AN command configures the Nighttime announcer, which is a script that warns players that night is approaching, which is especially useful for both horde night, and servers that have zombies running after dark. Recommended settings are:

an true
an warnhours 3
an announcer Botname

The above settings will enable the announcer, provide a 3-hour warning before in-game darkness, and all alerts and warnings will be sent by the server with the name 'Botname', which you can change to be anything you want.

# hccp

The hide chat command prefix feature allows you to hide player chat that is related to CSMM/CPM commands. For example, if a player types /claim in order to obtain their shop purchases, hccp would prevent that chat from appearing in the game.

hccp /,$

The above command will hide all chat lines that begin with the / or $ characters. CSMM uses $ by default for commands, and CPM uses / by default for commands. The comma that separates the two symbols is required.

# pfb

The prevent falling blocks feature was added to reduce or eliminate huge drop mining collapses within the game. When PFB is enabled, any block that would drop due to structural integrity issues will instead simply vanish. This prevents sand/gravel drop mining from causing hundreds of blocks to fall at once, which will often lag or crash a server completely. Similarly, if you destroy the structural supports for a base and cause it to drop, the affected blocks will simply cease to exist. PFB also generates a log line entry in the console, which can be captured via a Discord notification and sent to the admin team in Discord.

pfb 20

If PFB is set to any value above zero, it will vanish falling blocks; the numeric parameter of the pfb command only specifies how large the collapse must be before it is recorded as a log event. This prevents PFB from spamming the console log with 1-2 dropped block events when players destroy temporary frames or mostly-collapsed small structures in-game. A value of 20 is recommended for PFB.

# scn

The Server Chat Name feature allows you to customize the 'Name' of the server when it sends chat messages via CPM. Typically, this would be the same value as the 'an announcer' command above.

scn Botname

# Reference

CPM has a built in function to list all avalaible console commands (cpm-help), which give you a global description of the available commands. For detailed info on a command do:

help <command>

Following here is a reference list of all commands included with CPM, Allocs fixes and the base game.

Also available as JSON

admin Manage user permission levels

Set/get user permission levels. A level of 0 is maximum permission,

users without an explicitly set permission have a permission level of 1000.


admin add <name / entity id / platform + platform user id> <level> [displayname]

admin remove <name / entity / platform + platform user id>

admin addgroup <steam id> <level regular> <level mods> [displayname]

admin removegroup <steam id>

admin list

To use the add/remove sub commands with a name or entity ID the player has

to be online, the variant with platform and platform ID can be used for currently offline

users too.

Displayname can be used to put a descriptive name to the ban list in addition

to the user's platform ID. If used on an online user the player name is used by default.

When adding groups you set two permission levels: The 'regular' level applies to

normal members of the group, the 'mods' level applies to moderators / officers of

the group.

AdminSpeed AdminSpeed

agemap Output debug map for chunk age/protection/save status.

"agemap" or "agemap [x]", where [x] is a float value specifying the maximum age to normalise results to in in-game days. Defaults to EnumGamePrefs.MaxChunkAge when not specified.

Outputs a TGA texture representing a map of all chunks with chunk age, protection status and save status data split across each colour channel:

R [scalar]: Effective chunk age proportionate to maximum age, taking POI-based grouping rules into account. More red = older, closer to expiry.

G [scalar]: Raw chunk age proportionate to maximum age, ignoring POI-based grouping. Can be compared with the red channel to asses the impacts of grouping.

B [scalar]: Protection level. More blue = more protected.

A [binary]: Saved status. Opaque = saved, transparent = not saved.

ai AI commands

AI commands:

activityclear - remove all activity areas (heat)

latency - toggles drawing

pathlines - toggles drawing editor path lines

pathgrid - force grid update

ragdoll <force> <time>

rage <speed> <time> - make all zombies rage (0 - 2, 0 stops) (seconds)

sendnames - toggles admin clients receiving debug name info

aiddebug Toggles AIDirector debug output.

audio Watch audio stats

Just type audio and hit enter for the info.

automove Player auto movement


off - disable

gototarget - goto the target position

settarget - set target to current player position

clearlookat - disable look at

setlookat - set look at to current player position

line duration loops <x> <y> <z> - move to x y z (or target) over duration with loops (-loops will ping pong)

orbit duration loops <x> <y> <z> - circle around x y z (or target) over duration with loops (-loops will ping pong)

relative x z angle - move by x (left/right) and z (forward) and turn by angle per second

ban Manage ban entries

Set/get ban entries. Bans will be automatically lifted after the given time.


ban add <name / entity id / platform + platform user id> <duration> <duration unit> [reason] [displayname]

ban remove <name / entity id / platform + platform user id>

ban list

To use the add/remove sub commands with a name or entity ID the player has

to be online, the variant with platform and platform ID can be used for currently offline

users too.

Duration unit is a modifier to the duration which specifies if in what unit

the duration is given. Valid units:

minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), year(s)

Displayname can be used to put a descriptive name to the ban list in addition

to the user's platform ID. If used on an online user the player name is used by default.

Example: ban add madmole 2 minutes "Time for a break" "Joel"

bents Switches block entities on/off

Use on or off or only the command to toggle

buff Applies a buff to the local player

buffplayer Apply a buff to a player


buffplayer <player name / steam id / entity id> <buff name>

Apply the given buff to the player given by the player name or entity id (as given by e.g. "lpi").

camera Lock/unlock camera movement or load/save a specific camera position


1. cam save <name> [comment]

2. cam load <name>

3. cam list

4. cam lock

5. cam unlock

1. Save the current player's position and camera view or the camera position

and view if in detached mode under the given name. Optionally a more descriptive

comment can be supplied.

2. Load the position and direction with the given name. If in detached camera

mode the camera itself will be adjusted, otherwise the player will be teleported.

3. List the saved camera positions.

4/5. Lock/unlock the camera rotation. Can also be achieved with the "Lock Camera" key.

chunkcache shows all loaded chunks in cache

chunkobserver Place a chunk observer on a given position.


1. chunkobserver add <x> <z> [size]

2. chunkobserver remove <x> <z>

3. chunkobserver list

1. Place an observer on the chunk that contains the coordinate x/z.

Optionally specifying the box radius in chunks, defaulting to 1.

2. Remove the observer from the chunk with the coordinate, if any.

3. List all currently placed observers

chunkreset resets the specified chunks


1. chunkreset <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2>

2. chunkreset [f]

1. Rebuilds the chunks that contain the given coordinate range.

2. Can only be executed by a player in the ingame console! Behaviour depends on whether the

player is currently within the bounds of a POI:

Within a POI: The POI is reset.

Not within a POI: The chunk the player is in and the eight chunks around that one are

rebuilt. Not deco! Does not reload POI data!

d - regen deco

f - fully regenerates chunks (may cause double entities!)

u, utimed, ue - Unload chunks or entities

nq - Enqueue a 3x3 group of chunks centred around the player to be reset when unsynced, unless they are otherwise protected from the chunk reset system.

commandpermission Manage command permission levels

Set/get permission levels required to execute a given command. Default

level required for commands that are not explicitly specified is 0.


cp add <command> <level>

cp remove <command>

cp list

addfriend Add yourself to a player friends list and vice versa.

Usage: af <platformID>

Add yourself to the friendlist of <platformID> and vice versa

cpm-announcenighttime, announcenighttime Turn NightTime announcement on/off


1. an true/false

2. an warnhours <hours>

3. an announcer <name>

4. an nighttimetext <string>

5. an blooddaytext <string>

6. an blooddaytomorrowtext <string>

7. an counterdaytext <string>

8. an

1. Turn AnnounceNightTime ON (true)/OFF(false)

2. Set the number of <hours> before 22:00 warning

3. Set the name of the announcer

4. Set the text for nighttime warning. {hours} will be replaced by the warnhours setting

5. Set the text for announcing bloodmoon is tonight

6. Set the text for announcing bloodmoon is tomorrow

7. Set the text for normal bloodmoon counter text. {daysleft} will be replaced by remaining days

8. List active AnnounceNightTime settings

All text and announcer name support (nested) color coding. The value of <string> has to be wrapped in "double quotes".

Put text between [colorCode]text here[-] for giving it a color.

cpm-arrest, arrest Put a player in jail (reversed claim jail required!)

Put a player in jail (reversed claim jail required!)


arrest <Name/EntityId/SteamId>

arrest <Name/EntityId/SteamId> <jailTime(Minutes)>

cpm-bcheck, bcheck Checks the type of block by coordinates or under your feet.


1. bcheck <x> <y> <z>

2. bcheck

1. check the block at x, y, z.

2. check the block under your feet.

cpm-bdup, bdup Copy an Area to another location


1. bdup <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2> <z1> <z2> <x> <y> <z> <rot>

2. bdup p1

3. bdup p2

4. bdup <x> <y> <z> <rot>

5. bdup <rot>

1. duplicate the defined area on x,y,z

2. Store on position 1 your current location

3. Store on position 2 your current location

4. use stored position 1 and 2 to duplicate on x,y,z

5. use stored position 1 and 2 to duplicate on your current location

<rot> prefab rotation -> need to be equal 0,1,2 or 3

cpm-bexport, bexport Exports as Prefab some space


1. bexport <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2> <z1> <z2> <prefab_file_name> [overwrite]

2. bexport

3. bexport <prefab_file_name> [overwrite]

1. Export the defined area to a prefabFile in folder .../UserData/LocalPrefabs/

2. Store the player position to be used togheter on method 3.

3. Use stored position on method 2. with current position to export the area to prefab File in folder .../UserData/LocalPrefabs/

NOTE: Sleepervolumes are lost during this process. See brender for more information.

cpm-bmsAddMaxAlive, bmsAddMaxAlive Add to the number of maximum alive zombies on server setting.


bmsAddMaxAlive <count>


cpm-bmsAdjustForOnlinePlayers, bmsAdjustForOnlinePlayers Enable or disable the automatic adjusting of BloodmoonEnemycount to nr. of online players


bmsAdjustForOnlinePlayers <true/false>


cpm-bmsEnemyCount, bmsEnemyCount Set the maximum nr. of zombies alive per player on bloodmoons


bmsEnemyCount <count>


cpm-bmsOverrideVanillaSpawner, bmsOverrideVanillaSpawner Enable/Disable vanilla bloodmoon spawner override.


bmsOverrideVanillaSpawner <true/false>


cpm-brender, brender Renders a Prefab on given location


1. brender <prefab_file_name> <x> <y> <z> <rot> [nosleepers] [addtorwg]

2. brender <prefab_file_name> <rot> [nosleepers] [addtorwg]

3. brender <prefab_file_name> <rot> <depth> [nosleepers] [addtorwg]

<rot> prefab rotation -> needs to be equal to 0,1,2 or 3

1. Render prefab on <x> <y> <z> location

2. Render prefab on your position

3. Render prefab on your position with y deslocated <depth blocks>

NOTE: Sleeper control is ONLY possible on prefabs that are present in prefabs.xml (world folder) that is used to create the map (RWG).

NOTE: Use parameter "addtorwg" to permanently add this prefab to the current RWG world. Can be reset like any other RWG prefab and will still be in world after a wipe. Will cause re-download of world for clients!

cpm-brepblock, brepblock Replace blocks from a defined location


1. brepblock <block_to_be_replaced> <block_name> <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2> <z1> <z2>

2. brepblock <block_to_be_replaced> <block_name> <x>@<qnt> <y>@<qnt> <z>@<qnt>

3. brepblock <block_to_be_replaced> <block_name> <qnt> <qnt> <qnt>

4. brepblock <block_name>

5. brepblock p1

6. brepblock p2 <block_to_be_replaced_name or id> <block_name>

1. replace blocks block_to_be_replaced with block_name from x1,y1,z1 to x2,y2,z2

2. replace blocks block_to_be_replaced with block_name from x,y,z each quantity. Quantity can be posivite or negative.

3. replace blocks block_to_be_replaced with block_name from your position each quantity. Quantity can be posivite or negative.

4. Search for block names. Fill with * to list all.

5. Store your position to be used on method 6.

6. replace blocks block_to_be_replaced with block_name from position stored on method 5 until your current location.

blockutf8names Kick any players with UTF-8 chars in name at login


bun <true/false>


cpm-bundo, bundo Undo last prefab command


1. bundo

1. Undo prefabs command. Works with brender, fblock, brepblock and bdup

By default the size of undo history ise set to 1. You can change the undo history size using "setbundosize"

cpm-ccc, ccc Manage advanced claims

Add/Remove/List/Configure advanced claims


1. ccc add <claimid/steamid> <w_boundary> <e_boundary> <n_boundary> <s_boundary> <accessLevel> [<type>]

2. ccc remove <claimid/steamid>

3. ccc list

4. ccc wl add <claimid/steamid> <steamid>

5. ccc wl remove <claimid/steamid> <steamid>

6. ccc p1

7. ccc p2 <claimid/steamid> <accessLevel> [<type>]

8. ccc radius <radius> <steamId/entityId/Name> <claimid/steamid> <accessLevel> [<type>]

1. Add a claim. Use steamid of player in the name when using as playerclaim.

For normal claims leave type empty. Possible types: reversed, leveled, timed, hostilefree, portal, openhours

2. Delete claim with name <claimid/steamid>

3. List all advanced claims

4. Add a steamid to the whitelist of claim <claimid/steamid>

5. Remove a steamid from the whitelist of claim <claimid/steamid>

6. Store your position for use with 7.

7. Add a claim with coordinates set by 6 and current position.

8. Add a claim with boundaries on <radius> distance from <steamId/entityId/Name> position.

chatcommandpermissions Set permission levels on admin chatcommands


ccp <command> <pemissionlevel>

ccp list

<command> can be ft, ftw, mv, mvw, tb, rt, get, listwp, setwp, delwp, ls, bag, day7, hostiles, bed, loctrack and bubble

cpm-chatgroupcolor, chatgroupcolor Manage chat color by groupmembership.

Manage chat color by groupmembership.


cgc listgroups

cgc addgroup <groupName> <groupColor>

cgc deletegroup <groupName>

cgc listmembers <groupName>

cgc adduser <steam id/player name/entity id> <groupName>

cgc cleargroup <steam id/player name/entity id>

The <groupColor> must be 6 hex characters. Example: FF00FF

cpm-cpmprefix, cpmprefix Set prefix for CPM chatcommands.


cpmprefix <prefix>


cpm-cs, cs Spawn scouts near a player or coordinate

Call scouts near a player.Usage:

cs <steam id/player name/entity id>

or cs <x> <y> <z>

checkvehiclecontent check the content of a vehicle.

cvc <vehicleID>

deactivatebed Deactivate a players bed(roll).

Usage: 1. db <steamid/XblId>

Deactivate the active bed (roll) of a player by SteamID

donorslot Add, Remove and View platformIDs on the ReservedSlots list.


1. ds add <platformID> <playerName> <days to expire>

2. ds remove <platformID>

3. ds list

4. ds donorbuffer <number of players>

5. ds enabled <true/false>

1. Adds a platformID to the DonorSlots list

2. Removes a platformID from the DonorSlots list

3. Lists all platformIDs that have a DonorSlot

4. Set the number of donor slots for donors

5. Enable/Disable donor slots for donors

cpm-entityremove, entityremove remove entity from game

Removes an entity from the game.


1. entityremove entityID

1. Remove an entity from game

executeonclient Let a local player fire a local only console command.

Let a local player fire a local only console command


eoc <Name/EntityId/SteamId> "command param1 param2"

use single quotes for parameters that contain spaces in remote command.

cpm-etele, etele Teleport an entity

Teleport an entity.


1. etele entityID <x> <y> <z> [rot]

2. etele entityID <player_id> [rot]

1. Teleport an entity to a location

2. Teleport an entity to player location

cpm-fblock, fblock Fill a defined area with a specific block


1. fblock <block_name> <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2> <z1> <z2>

2. fblock <block_name> <x>@<qnt> <y>@<qnt> <z>@<qnt>

3. fblock <block_name> <qnt> <qnt> <qnt>

4. fblock <block_name>

5. fblock p1 or pblock L1

6. fblock p2 <block_name>

1. fill blocks with block_name from x1,y1,z1 to x2,y2,z2

2. fill blocks with block_name from x,y,z each quantity. Quantity can be posivite or negative.

3. fill blocks with block_name from your position each quantity. Quantity can be posivite or negative.

4. Search for block names. Fill with * to list all.

5. Store your position to be used on method 6. p1 store your position, L1 store the position where you are looking at

6. Place blocks with block_name from position stored on method 5 until your current location.

cpm-fblock1, fblock1 place one block at a time without the need of chunkreloading (RPC)

Usage: 1. fblock1 <blockname> <x> <y> <z>

1. Place one block on position x,y,z

cpm-gc, gc Invoke the garbagecollector. Free some memory.



cpm-getbicycle, getbicycle Get lost or stuck bicycle to player

Get bicycle Usage:

getbicycle <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-getbike, getbike Get lost or stuck minibike to player

Get minibike Usage:

getbike <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-getblimp, getblimp Get lost or stuck blimp(jetpack) to player

Get blimp Usage:

getblimp <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-getdrone, getdrone Get lost or stuck drone to player

Get drone Usage:

getdrone <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-getgyrocopter, getgyrocopter Get lost or stuck gyrocopter to player

Get gyrocopter Usage:

getgyrocopter <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-gethelicopter, gethelicopter Get lost or stuck helicopter to player

Get helicopter Usage:

gethelicopter <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-getjeep, getjeep Get lost or stuck jeep to player

Get jeep Usage:

getjeep <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-getmotorcycle, getmotorcycle Get lost or stuck motorcycle to player

Get motorcycle Usage:

getmotorcycle <steam id/player name/entity id>

cpm-getprefab, getprefab Get info/manage the RWG prefab you are standing in.


1. getprefab [steamId/entityId/name] reset

2. getprefab exclude

3. getprefab exclude type

4. getprefab

1. Reset the RWG prefab you are standing in (or [steamId/entityId/name] is standing in).

2. Exclude the RWG prefab you are standing in from resets by unique name

3. Exclude the RWG prefab you are standing in from resets by type

4. Get info on the RWG prefab you are standing in.

cpm-giveplus, giveplus give an item to a player(s) (entity id or name)

Give item(s) to a (all) player(s) by putting in backpack of player(s)


giveplus <name/entityId/steamId> <item name> <amount> [<quality> <usedTimes>]

giveplus all <item name> <amount> [<quality> <usedTimes>]

Either pass the full name of a player or his entity id (given by e.g. "lpi").

Item name has to be the exact name of an item as listed by "listitems".

Quality is the quality of the dropped items for items that have a quality.

usedTimes is the % that the item was used.

cpm-grablcb, grablcb Put all landclaims within <radius> of and owned by player in his/her backpack.

Usage: 1. grablcb <steamid / entityid / name> <radius>

1. Put all landclaims within <radius> and owned by player in his/her backpack.

cpm-help, help Help on console and specific CSMM Patrons Mod commands

Type "cpm-help" for an overview of CSMM Patrons Mod commands

cpm-hidechatcommand, hidechatcommand specify a chat message prefix that defines chat commands that are hidden from chat

If used chat messages starting with the defined prefix (e.g. "/") will not be shown to other players.Usage:


- If used without any parameter this functionality is disabled hccp <string pattern>

- do not use string pattern with spaces and dont use comma for prefix.

- define the prefix for chat commands

- define multiple prefixes for chat commands by comma seperated list

hccp list

- show configured prefixes

Example: hccp / or hccp #,$

- Chat messages like "/help" or "$help" will be hidden

listcustomentity List entity with custom parameter for better filtering.

List entity with custom parameter for better filtering:

1. lce <x> <z> <radius> <type>

2. lce <xMin> <xMax> <zMin> <zMax> <type>

3. lce <type>

Valid types: Zombie, SupplyCrate, Backpack, Item, Animal, Minibike, Trader, Player, Jeep, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Gyrocopter

Use type as * to not filter the list by type

listcpmplayers Lists all cpm players ever online.


1. listcpmplayers

2. listcpmplayers online

3. listcpmplayers <player name / UserId>

1. Lists all players that have ever been online

2. Lists only the players that are currently online

3. Lists all players whose name contains the given string or matches the given UserId(Steam/EOS)

cpm-listbedplayer, listbedplayer list bed locations of all players or a specific player


1. lpb <steam id / player name / entity id>


2. lpb *this will list all players online and their bed

cpm-listbuffs, listbuffs List or search all available buffs

List or search all available buffs


1. lbuffs <searchstring>

2. lbuffs

cpm-listfriendsplayer, listfriendsplayer list friends of a single player or all players


1. lfp <steam id / player name / entity id> 2. lfp (to list all players friends)

cpm-listplayerbuffs, listplayerbuffs List players active buffs

List players active buffs


1. lpbuffs <name / entity id>

2. lpbuffs

cpm-listplayerskill, listplayerskill list players Skills

list players Skills


1. lps <name / entity id>

2. lps

cpm-loctrack, loctrack Manage locationtracker settings and data

Manage locationtracker settings and data


1. loctrack search <steam id/player name/entity id> <radius> <numberOfHours>

2. loctrack search <x> <y> <z> <radius> <numberOfHours>

3. loctrack showtrack <steam id> <maxrecords> <timespan> <timeBetweenRecords>

4. loctrack enabled <true/false>

5. loctrack command <newChatCommand>

6. loctrack commandenabled <true/false>

7. loctrack interval <seconds>

8. loctrack maxagedata <hours>

9. loctrack neardistance <meters>

10. loctrack responsecolor <hexstring>

11. loctrack

1. list players within <radius> of <steam id/player name/entity id> last <numberOfHours>

2. list players within <radius> of <x> <y> <z> last <numberOfHours> (use y=-1 to ommit y search)

3. show location tracks of <steam id>. Maximum records <maxrecords>.

Minimum time between records <timeBetweenRecords> (seconds). Within <timespan> (MMddHHmm-MMddHHmm).

4. Enable / Disable location recording

5. Define the ingame chatcommand (include the prefix)

6. Enable/Disable ingame chatcommand for querying databases

7. Set the interval of recording locations (seconds)

8. Set the maximum time the data stays in databases (hours)(0=forever)

9. Set the distance for use with chatcommand for reporting near live players

10. Set the responsecolor for use with chatcommand. Has to be 6 long hexadecimal number

11. Show all active location tracking settings

markresetregion Manage the reset regions list.



mrr add [<regionName>]

mrr add <w_boundary> <e_boundary> <n_boundary> <s_boundary>

mrr remove [<regionName>]

mrr remove <w_boundary> <e_boundary> <n_boundary> <s_boundary>

mrr list

mrr notificationtext <enter:exit>

cpm-multipleentityspawn, multipleentityspawn spawn multiple entities around some coordinate or player

Spawn multiple entities around some coordinate. Type "mes" to see all entity types


mes <x> <y> <z> <spawn radius> @ [<list of entities>]


mes <x> <z> <spawn radius> @ [<list of entities>]>


mes <steam id/player name/entity id> <spawn radius> @ [<list of entities>]


mes -1520 860 15 @ 1 1 18 18 21 21 21

cpm-mutechatplayer, mutechatplayer mute a player on public chat

Mute a player on public chat.Usage:

mcp <steam id/player name/entity id> [true/false]

If the optional parameter is not given the command will show the current status.

cpm-mv, mv Move player command (to coordinates and to other player). Optionally restrict to friends only.


mv <playerName/steamId> <playerName/steamId> [fo] [os]

mv <playerName/steamId> <xxE/W> <xxN/S>

Use parameter fo to allow mv to ingame friends only (add parameter os to allow mv to offline ingame friends).

cpm-mvw, mvw Move player to waypoint.


mvw <playerName/steamId> <waypointName>

mvw listwaypoints

ownvehicle take ownership of a vehicle.

ov <vehicleID>

cpm-overridechatname, overridechatname Change a player's chat name.

Change a player's chat name.


ocn <steamId / entityId / playerName> <newName>

ocn <steamId / entityId / playerName> clear

ocn list

permadeath Manage permadeath players


pd add <steamId>

pd remove <steamId>

pd list

preventfallingblocks Prevent falling blocks on server.


1. pfb <logBlockCount> (0 = disabled, blocks do fall)

2. pfb

1. Enable/Disable prevention of falling blocks. Log when number of blocks falling at once exceed <logBlockCount>.

2. Show the active <logBlockCount> setting.

cpm-playerchatcolor, playerchatcolor Change default player chat color.

Change the player`s chat color.Usage:

pcc <steam id/player name/entity id> <color> <nameOnly>

the <color> must be a 6 hex characters. Example: FF00FF

the <nameOnly> must be a 1 to color only name and 0 to color all text

the default chat color is FFFFFF

cpm-playsound, playsound Play an ingame sound on any server/player position.

Play an ingame sound on any server/ player position.


1. playsound <steamId/playerName/entityId> <soundName>

2. playsound <x> <y> <z> <soundName>

3. playsound listloops

4. playsound stop <x> <y> <z> <soundName>

5. playsound <searchString>

6. playsound

1. Play a sound on the current postion of a player

2. Play a sound on position x,y,z

3. List all sounds that are playing in a loop

4. Stop a sound that is played in loop (check listloops)

5. Search for a soundname by (partial) string

6. List all available sounds

cpm-protectplayer, protectplayer Set protective bubble on player.


protect <Name/steamId>

protect list

resetdronedata Remove owned drone data from a player

Usage: rdd <name/entityId/platformID>

removeexpdeficit Remove a player's ExpDeficit.

Usage: red <platformId / Name / entityid>

cpm-release, release Release a player from jail.

Release a player from jail.


release <Name/EntityId/SteamId>

cpm-removelandprotection2, removelandprotection2 removes the association of a land protection block without players needing to be near

Usage: 1. rlp2 <steamid>

2. rlp2 <x> <y> <z>

3. rlp2 nearby [length]

4. rlp2 cleanup

1. Remove all land claims owned by the user with the given SteamID

2. Remove only the claim block on the exactly given block position

3. Remove all claims in a square with edge length of 64 (or the optionally specified size) around the executing player

4. Remove all expired landclaims from the world

cpm-rendermap, rendermap Render the current map to maptiles for cpmcc

cpm-resetadvclaim, resetadvclaim Reset the area(s) covered by Adv. Claim Reset to RWG default on chunk level.


resetadvclaim [unclaimed] [kicklockreboot]

Reset all area(s) covered by Adv. Claim Reset to RWG default on chunk level.

Use parameter kicklockreboot to kick online players and lock server during reset. Reboots server when done.

Use parameter unclaimed to reset all BUT claimed chunks (takes a long time!).

cpm-resetchunks, resetchunks Reset chunks to RWG default.


1. resetchunks p1

2. resetchunks p2

3. resetchunks radius <radius> <steamId/entityId/Name>

1. Store your position to be used on method 2.

2. Reset chunks from position stored on method 1 until your current location(p2).

3. Reset chunks within boundaries on <radius> distance from <steamId/entityId/Name> position.

cpm-resetregions, resetregions Reset marked resetregions.

Usage: resetregions

cpm-resetrwgprefabs, resetrwgprefabs Reset all RWG prefabs. Exclude claimed prefabs in CpmSettings.xml


1. rrp [tradersonly] [kicklockreboot]

1. Reset all RWG prefabs live on the map.

Use parameter kicklockreboot to kick online players and lock server during reset. Reboots server when done.

Exclude claimed prefabs in CpmSettings.xml (ResetPrefabs_ExcludeClaimedPrefabs).

cpm-resetunclaimedregions, resetunclaimedregions Reset ALL regions except the ones that have LCB/Normal Adv. Claim on.

Usage: resetunclaimedregions

resetlevel Reset a player's level to a given value.

Usage: rl <platformId / Name / entityid> <level>

Reset a player's level to <level>

resetplayerdata Reset a player

Usage: resetplayerdata <platformID>

resetskillpoints Reset a player's skillpoints to a given value

Usage: rs <platformId / Name / entityid> <count>

Reset a player's skillpoints to <count>

repairtrees Repair indestructable trees (only with damageindicator)

Repair indestructable trees (only with damageindicator)


rt (list bugged trees)

rt repair (repair bugged trees)

removevendingrental Remove a player's vendingmachine rental status

Usage: rvr <steamId>

cpm-say2, say2 Sends a message to all connected clients with specific sender


say2 <senderName> <message>

cpm-sayadmin, sayadmin Send a PM to all players meeting the minimum receipients permisson level


sayadmin <chatName> <levelReceipients> <message>

Send a PM to all players meeting the minimum receipients permisson level

cpm-sayplayer2, sayplayer2 send a message to a single player with a specific sender name


pm2 <sender playerName> <receiver player name / steam id / entity id> <message>

Send a PM from a chosen name to another player.

serverchatname Set server chatname globally


scn <name>


setdeathcount Set a player's deathcount.

Usage: sdc <name/entityId/platformID> <count>

Use operators + and - to add or subtract to/from deathcount (ex. +5 or -1)

Without operator the new deathcount will be <count>

cpm-setbundosize, setbundosize Set the size of history on bundo

Set the size of history on bundoUsage:

1. setbundosize <size>

2. setbundosize

1. Sets the bundo History Size

2. Gets the bundo History Size

cpm-setplayerstatus, setplayerstatus Change players attributes (zombiekills, playerkills)

Change players attributes (zombiekills, playerkills)


1. sps <name/entityId/steamId> <status> <value>

2. <Status> can be: zkills, pkills

cpm-shutdownba, shutdownba Timed shutdown with bloodmoon awareness.

Usage: shutdownba <minutes> [resetvehicles] [resetdrones]

shutdownba stop

shutdownba delayfrom <inGameHour>

shutdownba delayuntil <inGameHour>

shutdownba counttext <text>

shutdownba delaytext <text>

cpm-sleepers, sleepers Remove sleepervolumes from world


1. sleepers p1

2. sleepers p2

3. sleepers p2 remove

4. sleepers p2 reset

5. sleepers x1 z1 x2 z2 reset

1. Store position for use with p2

2. Show sleepervolume count from stored pos p1 to p2

3. Remove sleepervolumes from stored pos p1 to p2

4. Despawn and reset sleepervolumes from stored pos p1 to p2

5. Despawn and reset sleepervolumes from coordinates x1,z1 to x2,z2

cpm-targetedhorde, targetedhorde Spawn targeted horde near a (or all) player or coordinate

Spawn targeted horde near a (or all) player.Usage:

th <steam id/player name/entity id> <qntd>

or th all <qntd>

or th <x> <y> <z> <qntd>

cpm-teleportplayerhome, teleportplayerhome teleport a player to his home (on bedroll)


teleportplayerhome <steam id / player name / entity id>

cpm-timerba, timerba Bloodboon aware generic timer to run commands.

Usage: timerba <minutes> <countdownMessage> <command(s)>

timerba stop

Use {Minutes} in <countdownMessage> for showing the number of minutes left in the message.

For multiple commands use ; as seperator. For commands that have parameters with spaces enclose them in single quotes

cpm-tooltip, tooltip Show a tooltip on a specific connected client

Show a tooltip on a specific connected client


tooltip <Name/EntityId/SteamId/all> <tooltipName>

teleport2bag Teleport player to his/her backpack after death.


tp2bag <Name/SteamID/EntityID>

cpm-traderlist, traderlist List Trader Areas


1. traderlist

cpm-w2l, w2l Write to console.


1. w2l <msg>

2. w2l command <command> [splitlog]

1. Write string <msg> to log

2. Write output of command <command> to log. Use parameter "splitlog" for 1 logline per outputline.

wipeinventory Reset a player's inventory completely or partially (bag, belt and equipment).

Usage: wi <platformID> [bag] [belt] [equipment] [all]

cpm-wlf, wlf Adds all friends of a player to whitelist(s) of their claim(s)

Adds all friends of a player to whitelist(s) of their claim(s)


wlf add <Name/EntityId/SteamId>

wlf del <Name/EntityId/SteamId>

cpm-wpc, wpc Manage CPM waypoints

Add/Remove/List waypoints


wpc add <name> <x> <y> <z>

wpc remove <name>

wpc list

createwebuser Create a web dashboard user account

creativemenu enables/disables the creativemenu

damagereset Reset damage on all blocks in the currently loaded POI


damagereset [include doors]

By default the command only resets non-door blocks to full health. If the optional argument is "true" doors are also repaired.

debuff Removes a buff from the local player

debuffplayer Remove a buff from a player


debuffplayer <player name / steam id / entity id> <buff name>

Remove the given buff from the player given by the player name or entity id (as given by e.g. "lpi").

debuggamestats GameStats commands

debugmenu enables/disables the debugmenu

debugpanels allows usage of debug display panels (F3 menu) via command console

debugpanels - toggle display, enabling also enables the debug menu

debugpanels [names] - set these panels active and disable all others, uses the short name of the panel (e.g. debugpanels Ply Ge Sp)

debugshot Creates a screenshot with some debug information


debugshot [save perks]

Lets you make a screenshot that will have some generic info

on it and a custom text you can enter. Also stores a list

of your current perk levels in a CSV file next to it if the

optional parameter 'save perks' is set to true

debugweather Dumps internal weather state to the console.

decomgr "decomgr": Saves a debug texture visualising the DecoOccupiedMap. "decomgr state": Saves a debug texture visualising the location/state of all of the DecoObjects saved in decorations.7dtd.

dms Gives control over Dynamic Music functionality.

No commands available for dms at the moment.

Dynamic mesh Dynamic mesh

Dynamic mesh debug Dynamic mesh debug

dynamicproperties Dynamic Properties debugging

enablerendering Disable live map rendering


1. enablerendering

2. enablerendering <0/1>

1. Show current state of renderer

2. Disable/enable renderer

NOTE: This command can only turn the renderer off, it can not turn it on if it is not enabled in the serverconfig!

exception Throw an exception / log messages

exhausted Makes the player exhausted.

expiryinfo Prints location and expiry day/time for the next [x] chunks set to expire.

expiryinfo [x]

Prints location and expiry day/time for the next [x] chunks set to expire.

exportcurrentconfigs Exports the current game config XMLs

Exports all game config XMLs as they are currently used (including applied

patches from mods) to the folder "Configs" in the save folder of the game.

If run from the main menu it exports the XUi configs for the menu, if run

from a game session will export all others.

exportprefab Exports a prefab from a world area


exportprefab <name> <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> [part]

Exports a prefab with the given name from a box defined by the coordinate pair of two corners

If the optional parameter 'part' is 'true' it will export into the 'Parts' subfolder of the prefabs folder


ForceEventDate Specify date for testing event dates

fov Camera field of view

gamestage Shows the gamestage of the local player

getgamepref Gets game preferences

Get all game preferences or only those matching a given substring

getgamestat Gets game stats

Get all game stats or only those matching a given substring

getlogpath Get the path of the logfile the game currently writes to

getoptions Gets game options

Get all game options on the local game

gettime Get the current game time

gfx Graphics commands

Graphics commands:

af <value> - anisotropic filtering off, on or force on (0, 1, 2)

dr <scale> <min> <max> - set dynamic res scale (0 auto, .1 to 1 force, -1 for off) and min/max FPS

dt <value> - toggle distant terrain or set value (0 or 1)

dti <value> - set distant terrain instancing (0 or 1)

dtmaxlod <value> - set distant terrain max LOD (0 to 5)

dtpix <value> - set distant terrain pixel error (1 to 200)

key name <value> - set shader keyword (0 or 1)

pp name <value> - set postprocessing name (enable, ambientOcclusion (ao), auto exposure (ae), bloom, colorGrading (cg), etc.) to value (0 or 1)

res <width> <height> - set screen resolution

resetrev - clear graphics preset revision

skin <value> - set skin bone count (1, 2, 4, 5+ (all))

st name <value> - set streaming name (budget (0 disables), discard, forceload, reduction) to value

tex - show texture info

texbias <value> - set bias on all textures

texlimit <value> - set limit (0-x)

viewdist <value> - Set view distance in chunks

give give an item to a player (entity id or name)

Give an item to a player by dropping it in front of that player


give <name / entity id> <item name> <amount>

give <name / entity id> <item name> <amount> <quality>

Either pass the full name of a player or his entity id (given by e.g. "lpi").

Item name has to be the exact name of an item as listed by "listitems".

Amount is the number of instances of this item to drop (as a single stack).

Quality is the quality of the dropped items for items that have a quality.

givequest usage: givequest questname

giveself usage: giveself itemName [qualityLevel=6] [count=1] [putInInventory=false] [spawnWithMods=true]

giveselfxp usage: giveselfxp 10000

Give yourself experience


giveselfxp <number> [1 (use xp bonuses)]

givexp Give XP to a player

Give a player experience points


givexp <entity id / player name / user id> <number>

graph Draws graphs on screen

Graph commands:

# - 0 removes all graphs, 1+ sets graphs height

cvar <name> <count> <max> - show graph of a cvar, line count (0 hides), max graph value (default is 1)

dr <count> - show dynamic res graph, line count (0 hides)

fps <count> <fps max> - show fps graph, line count (0 hides), max graph value

pe <name> <count> <max> - show graph of a passive effect (healthmax..), line count (0 hides), max graph value (default is 1)

spf <count> <spf max> - show seconds per frame graph, line count (0 hides), max graph value

stat <name> <count> <max> - show graph of a stat (health, stamina..) with line count (0 hides), max graph value (default is 1)

tex <name> <count> - show texture graph (mem or stream), line count (0 hides)

help Help on console and specific commands


1. help

2. help * <searchstring>

3. help <command name>

4. help output

5. help outputdetailed

1. Show general help and list all available commands

2. List commands where either the name or the description contains the given text

3. Show help for the given command

4. Write command list to log file

5. Write command list with help texts to log file

invalidatecaches Invalidate contents of web file caches


jds Server drone commands

junkDrone Local player junk drone queries.

kick Kicks user with optional reason. "kick playername reason"

kickall Kicks all users with optional reason. "kickall reason"

kill Kill a given entity

Kill a given entity.


1. kill <entity id>

2. kill <player name / steam id>

1. can be used to kill any entity that can be killed (zombies, players).

2. can only be used to kill players.

killall Kill all entities

Kills all matching entities (but never players)


killall (all enemies)

killall alive (all EntityAlive types except vehicles and turrets)

killall all (all types)

listgameobjects List all active game objects

lights Light debugging

Light debugging:

v - toggle viewer enable

off - viewer lights off

on - viewer lights on

clearreg - clear registered

disableall -

enableall -

list - list all lights

listfile - list all lights to Lights.txt

liste - list lights effecting the player position

lodviewdistance <d> - set the light LOD view distance (0 uses defaults)

listents lists all entities

listitems lists all items that contain the given substring

List all available item names


1. listitems <searchString>

2. listitems *

1. List only names that contain the given string.

2. List all names.

listknownplayers lists all players that were ever online


1. listknownplayers

2. listknownplayers -online

3. listknownplayers -notbanned

4. listknownplayers <player name / userid>

1. Lists all players that have ever been online

2. Lists only the players that are currently online

3. Lists only the players that are not banned

4. Lists all players whose name contains the given string or matches the given UserID

listlandprotection lists all land protection blocks and owners


1. listlandprotection summary

2. listlandprotection <user id / player name / entity id> [parseable]

3. listlandprotection nearby [length]

1. Lists only players that own claimstones, the number they own and the protection status

2. Lists only the claims of the player given by his UserID / entity id / playername, including the individual claim positions.

If "parseable" is specified the output of the individual claims will be in a format better suited for programmatical readout.

3. Lists claims in a square with edge length of 64 (or the optionally specified size) around the executing player

listplayerids Lists all players with their IDs for ingame commands

listplayers lists all players

listthreads lists all threads

loggamestate Log the current state of the game

Writes information on the current state of the game (like memory usage,

entities) to the log file. The section will use the message parameter

in its header.


loggamestate <message> [true/false]

Message is a string that will be included in the header of the generated

log section. The optional boolean parameter specifies if this command

should be run on the client (true) instead of the server (false) which

is the default.

loglevel Telnet/Web only: Select which types of log messages are shown

Select which types of log messages are shown on the connection

you enter this command. By default all log messages are printed

on every connection.

Usage: loglevel <loglevel name> <true/false>

Log levels: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC or ALL

Example: Disable display of WRN messages: loglevel WRN false

loot Loot commands

Loot commands:

container [name] <count> <stage> <abundance> - list loot from named container for count times

mapdata Writes some map data to an image


clear - reset player map data

prefab - save prefabs to mapdata.png

start - save start points to mapdata.png

mem Prints memory information and unloads resources or changes garbage collector


clean - cleanup memory pools

pools - list memory pools

gc - show GC info

gc alloc <value> - allocate k value of temp memory

gc perm <value> - allocate k value of permanent memory

gc clearperm - clear permanent allocations list

gc c - run collection

gc enable <value> - enable GC (0 or 1)

gc inc <value> - run incremental collect for value ms

gc inctime <value> - set incremental collect time in ms

obj [mode] - list object pool (active or all)

objs - shrink object pool

log [interval] - start/stop logging of performance data to a file

memcl Prints memory information on client and calls garbage collector


clean - cleanup memory pools

pools - list memory pools

gc - show GC info

gc alloc <value> - allocate k value of temp memory

gc perm <value> - allocate k value of permanent memory

gc clearperm - clear permanent allocations list

gc c - run collection

gc enable <value> - enable GC (0 or 1)

gc inc <value> - run incremental collect for value ms

gc inctime <value> - set incremental collect time in ms

obj [mode] - list object pool (active or all)

objs - shrink object pool

log [interval] - start/stop logging of performance data to a file

memprofile Toggles screen Memory Profiler UI

mumblepositionalaudio Mumble Positional Audio related tools


1. mpa enable

2. mpa disable

3. mpa reinit

na Test new HD stuff.


1. na

networkclient Client side network commands


latencysim <min> <max> - sets simulation in millisecs (0 min disables)

packetlosssim <chance> - sets simulation in percent (0 - 50)

networkserver Server side network commands


latencysim <min> <max> - sets simulation in millisecs (0 min disables)

packetlosssim <chance> - sets simulation in percent (0 - 50)

newweathersurvival Enables/disables new weather survival

occlusion Control OcclusionManager

openiddebug enable/disable OpenID debugging

overridemaxplayercount Override Max Server Player Count

permissionsallowed Apply a mask to permissions for testing purposes (respects the existing conditions though).

pa i[nfo] - Prints info about the current permissions.

pa g[rant] <Multiplayer|Communication|Crossplay|HostMultiplayer|All> - Adds the given permissions to the current debug permissions mask (still respects existing permissions though).

pa rev[oke] <Multiplayer|Communication|Crossplay|HostMultiplayer|All> - Removes the given permissions from the current debug permissions mask.

pa res[olve] <Multiplayer|Communication|Crossplay|HostMultiplayer|All> <true|false> - Attempt to resolve the specified permissions. True allows prompting the user for input, otherwise it is a silent resolution.

pirs tbd


placeblockrotations Places all rotations of the currently held block

Places the block you currently hold in your hand in all supported rotations. Starts

at the current selection box and spreads out towards the right relative to the

current view direction of the player. Spaces out each block by 1m meter.

placeblockshapes Places all shapes of the currently held variant helper block

Places all variants of the helper block you currently hold in your hand. Starts

at the current selection box and spreads out towards the right relative to the

current view direction of the player, starting a new row behind those every

25 blocks. Spaces out each block by 1m meter.

playerOwnedEntities Lists player owned entities.

playervisitmap Teleports the player through a rectangular area with optional memory logging

<x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> : start teleporting through the area defined by the coorindates, should be such that x1 < x2 and z1 < z2

stop : stop moving

height <int> : set the height off the ground to move the player to

stepradius <int> : set distance between teleports in chunks, default is half the player's view dimension

logfile <prefix> : sets the file for the memory log to a temporary file with this prefix

stepsperlog <int> : count of teleports between logs

dumplog : dump the current log file to the game log

pois Switches distant POIs on/off

Use on or off or only the command to toggle

poiwaypoints Adds waypoints for specified POIs.

Adds waypoints for specified POIs.

pwp * - adds waypoints to all POIs in the world.

pwp <name> - adds waypoints to all POIs that starts with the name.

pwp <distance> - adds waypoints to all POIs with the specified distance.

pwp * <distance> - adds waypoints to all POIs within the specified distance.

pwp <name> <distance> - adds waypoints to all POIs within the specified distance that start with the name.

pwp -clear - removes all POI waypoints.

pplist Lists all PersistentPlayer data

prefab Prefab commands

Prefab commands:






bulk [stop count] - Create imposters for ALL prefabs [stop after count]


density <match density> <set density> - set density of non air blocks that match

prefabeditor Open the Prefab Editor



Update prefabs for newer game builds.


1. prefabupdater loadxml <xmlfile>

2. prefabupdater clearxml

3. prefabupdater createmapping <prefabname>

4. prefabupdater loadtable [nametablefile]

5. prefabupdater unloadtables

6. prefabupdater updateblocks

1. Load a blocks.xml that has the information about the prefabs to be

updated. If you have a modded XML first load that modded XML and

afterwards load the XML provided with the game for legacy prefabs.

The xmlfile-parameter can either be relative to the game's base

directory or an absolute path (for pre-Alpha 17 prefabs).

2. Unload the data loaded with loadxml.

3. Create a block mapping file for the given prefab(s). Accepts '*' as

wildcard (for pre-Alpha 17 prefabs).

4. Load a block name mapping file. File path is relative to the game

directory if not specified as absolute path. If no file is given the

default file supplied with the game is loaded (BlockUpdates.csv).

5. Unload the data loaded with loadtable.

6. Update the block mappings in prefabs with the block name mapping table loaded by 4.

profilenetwork Writes network profiling information

profiler Utilities for collection profiling data from a variety of sources

profiling Enable Unity profiling for 300 frames

regionreset Resets chunks within a target region, or for the entire map.


'rr' Shorthand for 'rr 0'; reset all unprotected chunks in all regions.

'rr [mode]' Process all regions, resetting chunks based on the specified mode.

'rr [x] [z]' Shorthand for 'rr [x] [z] 0'; reset all unprotected chunks in the specified region. E.g. 'rr 1 -2' will only affect region (1,-2).

'rr [x] [z] [mode]' Process the specified region, resetting chunks based on the specified mode.


'0' - Default: All protection statuses are respected, including the dynamic protection of synced chunks around active player position(s).

'1' - EXPERIMENTAL: Most protection statuses are respected, excepting the dynamic protection of synced chunks around active player position(s). Chunks whose *only* protection status is "CurrentlySynced" will be treated as unprotected and are subject to being reset.

'2' - EXPERIMENTAL: All protection statuses are ignored. Every chunk in the target area will be reset whether protected or not.

'3' - EXPERIMENTAL: Most protection statuses are ignored, excepting the dynamic protection of synced chunks around active player position(s). Chunks whose protection status includes "CurrentlySynced" will be treated as protected; all other chunks are subject to being reset.


- Use with caution! This operation permanently deletes all saved data for affected chunks.

- The experimental modes are provided for debug purposes only. They bypass various protections in order to force chunks to be reset. This can cause a significant hitch whilst any synced chunks are regenerated, and may cause other side effects such as failing to clean up nav markers for land claims, etc.

reloadentityclasses reloads entityclasses xml data.

removelandprotection removes the association of a land protection block to the owner

Usage: 1. removelandprotection <userid>

2. removelandprotection <x> <y> <z>

3. removelandprotection nearby [length]

1. Remove all land claims owned by the user with the given UserID

2. Remove only the claim block on the exactly given block position

3. Remove all claims in a square with edge length of 64 (or the optionally specified size) around the executing player

removequest usage: removequest questname

rendermap render the current map to a file

repairchunkdensity check and optionally fix densities of a chunk

This command is used to check if the densities of blocks in a chunk match the actual block type.

If there is a mismatch it can lead to the chunk rendering incorrectly or not at all, typically

indicated by the error message "Failed setting triangles. Some indices are referencing out of

bounds vertices.". It can also fix such mismatches within a chunk.


1. repairchunkdensity <x> <z>

2. repairchunkdensity <x> <z> fix

1. Just checks the chunk and prints mismatched to the server log. x and z are the coordinates of any

block within the chunk to check.

2. Repairs any mismatch found in the chunk.

reply send a message to the player who last sent you a PM


reply <message>

Send the given message to the user you last received a PM from.

resetallstats Resets all achievement stats (and achievements when parameter is true)

saveworld Saves the world manually.

say Sends a message to all connected clients

sayplayer send a message to a single player


pm <player name / steam id / entity id> <message>

Send a PM to the player given by the player name or entity id (as given by e.g. "lpi").

ScreenEffect Sets a screen effect

ScreenEffect [name] [intensity] [fade time]

ScreenEffect clear

ScreenEffect reload

sdcs Control entity sex, race, and variant

Change a player's sex, race, and variant for SDCS testing


sdcs sex male

sdcs race white

sdcs variant 4

setgamepref sets a game pref

setgamestat sets a game stat

settargetfps Set the target FPS the game should run at (upper limit)

Set the target FPS the game should run at (upper limit).


1. settargetfps

2. settargetfps <fps>

1. gets the current target FPS.

2. sets the target FPS to the given integer value, 0 disables the FPS limiter.

settempunit Set the current temperature units.

Set the current temperature units.


1. settempunit F

2. settempunit C

1. sets the temperature unit to Fahrenheit.

2. sets the temperature unit to Celsius.

settime Set the current game time

Set the current game time.


1. settime day

2. settime night

3. settime <time>

4. settime <day> <hour> <minute>

1. sets the time to day 1, 12:00 pm.

2. sets the time to day 2, 12:00 am.

3. sets the time to the given value. 1000 is one hour.

4. sets the time to the given day/hour/minute values.

setwatervalue Sets the water value for all flow-permitting blocks within the current selection area, specified in the range of 0 (empty) to 1 (full).

'swv [0.0 - 1.0]' Sets water value between empty (0.0) and full (1.0) for all flow-permitting blocks within the current selection bounds.

E.g. 'swv 0.5' will set all affected blocks to be half-full.

Blocks which do not permit flow are unchanged.

show Shows custom layers of rendering.

showalbedo enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer

showchunkdata shows some date of the current chunk

showClouds Artist command to show one layer of clouds.

type "showClouds myCloudTexture" where "myCloudTexture" is the name of the texture you want to see.

type "showClouds" to turn off this view.

Note: cloud textures MUST be locasted at ./resources/textures/environment/spectrums/default

showhits Show hit entity locations

showinventory list inventory of a given player


showinventory <user id / player name / entity id> [tag]

Show the inventory of the player given by his UserID, player name or

entity id (as given by e.g. "lpi").

Optionally specify a tag that is included in each line of the output. In

this case output is designed to be easily parseable by tools.

Note: This only shows the player's inventory after it was first sent to

the server which happens at least every 30 seconds.

shownexthordetime Displays the wandering horde time

shownormals enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer

showspecular enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer

showswings Show melee swing arc rays

showtriggers Sets the visibility of the block triggers.

shutdown shuts down the game

sleep Makes the main thread sleep for the given number of seconds (allows decimals)

sleeper Drawn or list sleeper info

draw - toggle drawing for current player prefab

list - list for current player prefab

listall - list all

r - reset all

smoothworldall Applies some batched smoothing commands.


1. smoothworldall [passes] [noregion]

2. smoothworldall <worldname> [passes] [noregion]


passes: Integer number, overriding the default of 5 passes

noregion: If passed in literally it will write the resulting heightmap

to the dtm.raw instead of updating all of the worlds region files

worldname: If specified the command is applied to the given world instead of the currently loaded world

spawnairdrop Spawns an air drop

spawnentity spawns an entity

se playerId entity# <count> - spawn around playerId (0 for local) entity# of count (1 to 100)

spawnentityat Spawns an entity at a give position


1. spawnentityat

2. spawnentityat <entityidx> <x> <y> <z>

3. spawnentityat <entityidx> <x> <y> <z> <count>

4. spawnentityat <entityidx> <x> <y> <z> <count> <rotX> <rotY> <rotZ>

5. spawnentityat <entityidx> <x> <y> <z> <count> <rotX> <rotY> <rotZ> <stepX> <stepY> <stepZ>

6. spawnentityat <entityidx> <x> <y> <z> <count> <rotX> <rotY> <rotZ> <stepX> <stepY> <stepZ> <spawnerType>

1. Lists the known entity class names

2. Spawns the entity with the given class name at the given coordinates

3. As 2. but spawns <count> instances of that entity type

4. As 3. but also specifies the rotation of the spawned entities

5. As 4. but also specify the step distance between entities

6. As 5. but also specify the spawner source of the entity (Dynamic, StaticSpawner, Biome)

spawnscouts Spawns zombie scouts

Spawn scouts near a player.Usage:

1. spawnscouts

2. spawnscouts <player name/steam id/entity id>

3. spawnscouts <x> <y> <z>

1. Will spawn the scouts near the issuing player. Can only be used by a player, not a remote console.

2. Spawn scouts near the given player.

3. Spawn scouts at the given coordinates.

SpawnScreen Display SpawnScreen

SpawnScreen on/off

spawnsupplycrate Spawns a supply crate where the player is

spawnwandering Spawn wandering entities


b - bandits

h - horde

spectatormode enables/disables spectator mode

spectrum Force a particular lighting spectrum.

spectrum <Auto, Biome, BloodMoon, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, Snowy>

squarespiral Move the player chunk by chunk in a square spiral. Will start off paused and required un-pausing. Also gives god mode and flying at the start.

<s[tart] [chunks per auto-pause]|p[ause]|r[eset]|waitmode [minimal|meshes|displayed]>

stab stability

starve Makes the player starve (optionally specify the amount of food you want to have in percent).

switchview Switch between fpv and tpv

SystemInfo List SystemInfo

testCoverSystem CoverSystem queries.

teleport Teleport the local player


1. teleport <x> <y> <z> [view direction]

2. teleport <x> <z> [view direction]

3. teleport <target steam id / player name / entity id>

4. teleport offset <inc x> <inc y> <inc z>

For 1. and 2.: view direction is an optional specifier to select the direction you want to look into

after teleporting. This can be either of n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw or north, northeast, etc.

1. Teleports the local player to the specified location. Use y = -1 to spawn on ground.

2. Same as 1 but always spawn on ground.

3. Teleports to the location of the given player

4. Teleport the local player to the position calculated by his current position and the given offsets

teleportplayer Teleport a given player


1. teleportplayer <user id / player name / entity id> <x> <y> <z> [view direction]

2. teleportplayer <user id / player name / entity id> <target user id / player name / entity id>

1. Teleports the player given by his UserID, player name or entity id (as given by e.g. "lpi")

to the specified location. Use y = -1 to spawn on ground. Optional argument view direction

allows you to speify a direction you want to look in after teleporting. This can be either

of n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw or north, northeast, etc.

2. As 1, but destination given by another (online) player

teleportpoirelative Teleport the local player within the current POI


1. teleportpoirelative <x> <y> <z> [view direction]

1. Teleports the local player to the specified location relative to the bounds of the current POI. View

direction is an optional specifier to select the direction you want to look into after teleporting. This

can be either of n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw or north, northeast, etc.

testDismemberment Dismemberment testing toggle.

testloop Test code in a loop


p - player

thirsty Makes the player thirsty (optionally specify the amount of water you want to have in percent).

tls Spams the log with until stopped


1. tls <N> ['second']

2. tls stop

1. Start spamming with N messages per frame - or per second if the second argument is the word 'second'

2. Stop spamming

tppoi Open POI Teleporter window

traderarea ...

trees Switches trees on/off

trees - toggles

trees <value> - (off, on)

twitch usage: twitch <command> <params>

uioptions Allows overriding of some options that control the presentation of the UI


optionsvideowindow <value> - set the options window to use for video settings

version Get the currently running version of the game and loaded mods

versionui Toggle version number display

visitmap Visit an given area of the map. Optionally run the density check on each visited chunk.


1. visitmap <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> [check]

2. visitmap full [check]

3. visitmap stop

1. Start visiting the map in the rectangle specified with the two edges defined by

coordinate pairs x1/z1 and x2/z2. If the parameter "check" is added each visited

chunk will be checked for density issues.

2. Start visiting the full map. If the parameter "check" is added each visited

chunk will be checked for density issues.

3. Stop the current visitmap run.

weather Control weather settings

Clouds [0 to 1 (-1 defaults)]

Fog [density (-1 defaults)] [start] [end]

FogColor [red (-1 defaults)] [green] [blue]

Rain [0 to 1 (-1 defaults)]

Wet [0 to 1 (-1 defaults)]

Snow [0 to 1 (-1 defaults)]

SnowFall [0 to 1 (-1 defaults)]

Temp [-99 to 101 (< -99 defaults)]

Wind [0 to 200 (-1 defaults)]

SimRand [0 to 1 (-1 defaults)]

Defaults or d

weathersurvival Enables/disables weather survival

webpermission Manage web permission levels

Set/get permission levels required to access a given web functionality. Default

level required for functions that are not explicitly specified is 0.


1. webpermission add <webfunction> <method> <level>

2. webpermission remove <webfunction>

3. webpermission list [includedefaults]

1. Add a new override (or replace the existing one) for the given function. Method must be a HTTP method (like 'GET', 'POST') supported by the function or the keyword 'global' for a per-API permission level. Use the permission level keyword 'inherit' to use the per-API permission level for the specified method instead of a custom one for just the single method.

2. Removes any custom overrides for the specified function.

3. List all permissions. Pass in 'true' for the includedefaults argument to also show functions that do not have a custom override defined.

webtokens Manage web tokens

Set/get webtoken permission levels. A level of 0 is maximum permission.


webtokens add <tokenname> <tokensecret> <level>

webtokens remove <tokenname>

webtokens list

webtokens_legacy NOT USED - WebTokens are managed through vanilla 7DTD now. Please use the 'webtokens' command instead.

NOT USED - WebTokens are managed through vanilla 7DTD now. Please use the 'webtokens' command instead.

whitelist Manage whitelist entries

Set/get whitelist entries. Note: If there is at least one entry on the list

no user who is not on this list will be able to join the server!


whitelist add <name / entity id / platform + platform user id> [displayname]

whitelist remove <name / entity id / platform + platform user id>

whitelist addgroup <steam id> [displayname]

whitelist removegroup <steam id>

whitelist list

To use the add/remove sub commands with a name or entity ID the player has

to be online, the variant with platform and platform ID can be used for currently offline

users too.

Displayname can be used to put a descriptive name to the ban list in addition

to the user's platform ID. If used on an online user the player name is used by default.

workstationmaterials Set material counts on workstations.

Set the material count for the given material slot on the currently opened workstation

to the given value.


wsmats <slot> <count>

Slot specifies the index of the material slot in the workstation, e.g. 0 on forge is iron, or "all"

to change all slots at once.Count defines to what you want to set the material count with a maximum of 30000.

xui Execute XUi operations


xui open <window group name> [instance] [closeOthers]

xui close <window group name> [instance]

xui reload [window group name] [instance]

xui list <"instances" / "windows"> [instance]